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Your Healthy Libido and Appetite

Updated: Aug 20

Everyone, and yes, I mean everyone, loses the libido at some time. (Even if it is for mere moments for some) Many times the libido does not know it is lost. The libido knows where it is and knows what it wants.


Definition of libido

Plural- libidos 1: instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) expressed in conscious activity 2: sexual drive.

Just like appetite, the libido springs into action by signals, hormones, and sensors of persuasion, the libido chimes along to its tune.

Could everything be connected?

Our health is a fact, like a book written out, but if we ignore it, we eat more than we should, we eat crap, and we get no hanky-panky.

Appetite is enhanced by smell, watching food cook, and chewing. It sometimes predicts the food choices and guides us to the desire for food..Libido is enhanced by scent, watching some sexy things, and touching. It sometimes indicates the partner's choices and guides us to the desire for sex.

See the connection yet?

Healthy eating

Healthy appetite - Healthy libido

Healthy bodies and minds help us find the libido through sickness and health; til death do we part ( hopefully) But is it as easy as being a healthy mind and body? Each individual will have to explore the options of why the libido cannot communicate with them.

Could be:

  • diet

  • stress

  • illness

  • changing body

  • aging.

Although everyone should explore their options and never leave it up to their libido, just showing up one day, Using it, or losing it, can be a powerful and truthful statement.

healthy libido

Ways to help keep that libido healthy:

  • Exercise: the whole body and the libido

  • Eat healthy to be a healthy weight and to nourish the body and libido

  • Be happy in all areas and talk about the libido.

  • Stress less

  • Blame your meds; they just might be the cause.

  • Listen to your body; are you ill, tired? Should you talk to a Doctor?

  • Set the mood, a time, a place. We have busy lives; sometimes, it takes some effort.

Happy libido day!

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