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  • The Surprising Benefits of Daily Kegel Exercises for Both Men and Women"

    This exercise may be performed anywhere and anytime. If you don't, you will be missing out on the wonderful benefits. The History Let's go back in time, in 1952, Dr. Arnold Kegel, accidentally found a method for increasing genital strength; exercising the pubococcygeus (PC) muscle. Many therapists believe that pumping up the PC muscle can help enhance sexual pleasure by strengthening orgasm and increasing your awareness of sexual sensations--whether you are a man or woman. If any muscle is not used it will lose strength and the muscle around the genitals is no different. Find it and flex it! Women can find their PC muscles by sitting on the toilet and starting and stopping the flow of urine. Men can do the same but don't have to sit. This exercise can be done anywhere e, in the line at the grocery store everywhere once you have identified the muscle, you can hold and squeeze for up to 5 seconds and then continue. Benefits for women Helps Prevent Accidental Urine Leaking. The main reason Kegel exercises for women are so popular has to do with leaking urine, properly called stress incontinence. Helps Control Urgency to Urinate. Reduces the Chance of Uterine Prolapse. Makes Natural Birth Easier. Increases Feeling During Sex. Benefits for Men One of the men's primary benefits is improving bladder control in urinary incontinence (UI). UI is a defect in which there is urine leakage. Kegels can be used for pain management in men with prostate gland conditions. Believe it or not, one of the amazing Kegel benefits for men is improving sexual performance.

  • No More Decongestants the Doctor Said

    Since May of last year, I have been using a nasal spray for about eight months to help get me through those moments when my nose was not working. Panic sets in every time my nasal cavities close for business. I could not stand it. Although using the spray for the entire last eight months was not a continuous thing, it was definitely a go-to to help me breathe through my nose quickly. During the last few months, during the cold season, I increased the nasal spray, ignored the recommended doses, and just used when and how much I needed—every day got worse. Nose bleeds started, and there was less time between needing it. I was doing more damage than good. Then my heart rate would sore for no reason and randomly. It caused me to be dizzy and start sweating, and while sitting, my heart rate would shoot up. At times, I found it hard to get it back below 100. After a few episodes of heart palpitations, it was time to make the doctor's appointment. As soon as I started discussing the situation with my heart heart and palpitations, I jumped into the conversation about nose spray. I explained that I would panic when my nose became plugged up and asked if it could be why my heart rate was messed up. Well, he did not continue the conversation as I had a 'Holy Crap" moment right then. As he looked up the spray I had been using and the adverse effects, I already knew. Of course, I knew! I had been ignoring that overusing this spray was worsening my breathing efforts. I chose to keep using it because the inability to breathe through my nose was my worst option; at least, it was in my mind. The last thing the doctor said, after ordering a heart monitor to make sure that it wasn't something, was, 'No more decongestants of any kind.' A week is almost up, and I am days without spraying it up my nose. I can breathe through my nose, I feel better, and I am starting to feel more in control. Now that addiction to breathing, I mean nasty nasal spray, is behind me, I guess it is time to evaluate my other habits or abuses that may be screwing up my life. It is a process.

  • "How to Choose the Perfect Room Jewelry: The Art of Selecting the Right Accents for Your Space"

    What is Room Jewelry? Room Jewelry adds drama and interest draw your attention to points in the room giving the space a pop of mood and sensory. After the decor has been set with wall color, furniture texture and hue, the smaller complimentary and pleasing accents are your room jewelry. Choosing a color theme. The pieces you choose should stand out but not clash with the room. If your room has bold colors your room accents should be a pattern that compliments the bold colors. If your room is a neutral color you can add a bold color to draw the eye. What can I add Pillows and throws Plants Figurines Lamps Small chairs Tables Curtains Artwork Framed Pictures Candles Every Room Needs Room Jewelry We all like to look around our space, we are a curious species. Giving your space character and wonder allows us feel when using the space. What makes good room jewelry? Color Color can be related to mood. You might choose the accent color of your rooms to focus on certain moods. Red- attracts attention and strong emotions such as love and passion. Using small amounts of red around the room can stimulate and energize. I use red towels, bath mat and curtain ties in our prominently grey bathroom. Orange - radiates warmth and happiness and stimulation of energy and inspiration Yellow - releases creativity and is uplifting. Sprinkle yellow accents to give a sense of cheerfulness and hope. Green - symbolizes harmony, healing and stability. Green is balance and growth and easy to add with plants and landscapes. Blue - a color of trust and peace. Blue is calming and reduces tension and fear. Purple - unleashes imagination and spirituality. Purple allow us to connect to deeper thoughts. What goes together Primary colors: Yellow, red and blue Secondary colors: Green, orange and purple Analogous: Colors that are neighbors on the spectrum, such as green and yellow, or red and purple Complementary: Colors that oppose each other on the spectrum, such as green and red, or yellow and purple Texture Fabrics have different feels to them. From soft fluffy to rough and course. Metals have cooling affect where wood warms things up. Stone can bring a sense of weight to the room where plants can bring a sense of natural airing feelings. Wonder You do not want your space cluttered or look like a pawn shop but different shapes and placement can bring wonder to a room.

  • Ten Books that stuck with Me Through the Years: A Reader's List.

    Self-Help is probably one of the most solicited topics across all mediums. Amongst all the recommendations I've received - here are 10 books that stuck with me and I actually would recommend to someone else feeling lost or unable to move forward from their current chapter. Just remember - self-help books are not a "how-to", they are suggestions to help you find your own path. The 20-Something Guide to Getting it Together by Mary Traina Wellth - How I Built A Life, Not a Resume by Jason Wachob Getting Past No by William Ury Atomic Habits by James Clear Buy Yourself the F*cking Lilies by Tara Schuster Sustainable Happiness edited by Sarah Van Gelder Go Ask Alice by Anonymous Stay Sexy and Don't Get Murdered by Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark Beyond Reason - Using Emotions as You Negotiate by Roger Fisher and Daniel Shapiro The Magical Art of Not Giving A F*ck by Sarah Knight

  • How to Make a Delicious and Healthy Turkey Cauliflower Power Up Casserole

    This tasty dish gives a surprisingly healthy energy and is great any time of the day. We have started eating healthier, trying to lose weight, and having a more energy plan this winter. I have put together easy dishes to put into meal prep for the week. This is amazing! –Surprised husband (some of my throw-together do not get too amazing) Cauliflower is high in fiber, can help with weight loss, and improve colon health. Turkey Cauliflower Power Up Casserole Ingredients Diced and mixed 1 cup red onion 1 1/2 Cup Mushrooms 2 cups Cauliflower 2 cups Turkey 1/2 Red Pepper or roasted red pepper Mix in a separate bowl 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup milk (optional) 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella 1/2 cup shredded cheddar 1 tablespoon Mrs. Dash Herb and Garlic 2 tablespoons Savory salt and pepper to taste Directions Preheat to 375°F Mix wet ingredients and toss dry ingredients Add wet to dry and mix. Put in a casserole dish and cook for 50 minutes, covered Serve

  • "Understanding the Importance of Tracking Your Health and Weight Numbers"

    These numbers give you an outline of the degree of wellness you are at currently and give you an indication of what needs to change. Your weight: This number gives you a guideline on how healthy you are. There are charts online that will provide you with a range of where your weight should be based on height and gender. When using a scale to track progress, your weight will fluctuate during the day and even the week. Weigh yourself at the same time every day, preferably in the morning. Do not fixate on one number but give it a range between 1-3 pounds. Current weight: __________ Date: ________ Standard recommendation: ___________ your goal weight __________ Usually, when your weight fluctuates, it is due to water weight. ‘Water weight’ can increase due to sodium intake, water consumption (not enough), stress, and exercise. Body Mass Index: BMI is associated with health screening. Below 18.5 may signal malnutrition. 18.5-24.9 is the range for a healthy weight and carries a little health risk. 25-29.9 indicates overweight and at an increased risk for health problems. Above 30 means obesity. The use of the BMI height-weight relationship does not evaluate body composition. Current BMI: ______ Goal BMI _______ Body fat percentage: The body needs essential fat. The minimum essential is approximately 3 percent for males and 12-15 percent for females. Criteria for obesity are noted at 25 percent for males and 37 percent for females. Current BF % _______ Goal BF% _______ Daily Calorie intake: Estimating how many calories you should take in during the day will help determine if you are overeating. To estimate your daily calorie requirement: 1. Determine your resting metabolic rate. You can quickly estimate the calories needed for your ‘resting metabolism’. For men: multiply body weight in pounds by 11. For women: multiply body weight in pounds by 10. i.e. 120 lb woman would have an estimated BMR of 1200 Calories 2. The number of calories needed for physical activity can vary greatly, depending on how active a person is. It may account for the second-highest amount of calories we expend. Determine how many calories you need for your daily activity level; if you are *sedentary, add 20-40% of BMR *moderately active, 40-60% of BMR *very active 60-80% BMR. The very active woman would add 70% of 1250, 840 daily activity calories. 3. Add the answers to 1 and 2 to determine the total daily calorie requirement. From the example- 1200 calorie BMR plus 840 daily activity calories equal 2040 calorie requirement to maintain current weight. Your daily caloric count: ­­­­________ When you know how many estimated calories you need to maintain your weight, you will be able to find out how many calories you need to lose weight. Theoretically, if you eat 500 fewer calories per day than you normally do, you should lose one pound per week; this is because one pound of fat equals 3500 calories. 500 calories x 7 days/week = 3500 calories/week = 1 pound body fat. Losing one pound per week is a safe amount to lose. Cutting back too much, you get too hungry and blow your plan. You also lose muscle, slow your metabolism, and consume too few nutrients needed to protect your health. Slow and steady weight loss stays off; quick weight loss is quickly regained. Your measurements: Using a tape measure, measure your waist, hips, chest, arms, and thighs. Tracking these numbers allows you to see muscle increase and fat loss, sometimes before you see it on the scale. Waist circumference is a good screening technique for regional fat distribution. Regardless of gender and ethnic background, an increase in abdominal fat brings a higher incidence of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, and breast cancer. In men, waist circumferences over 40 inches and in women over 35 inches indicate an apple shape and excessive visceral fat storage. To measure your waist circumference, use a soft tape measure. Measure the waist below the last rib and above the navel. Starting Point When making any changes in your life, it is good to evaluate your starting point. We look at your starting point in measurements, physical fitness, existing health conditions, medications, supplements, and behaviors. Knowing the starting point and your goals, we can strategize to establish an action plan. How do you measure up? Actual weight = Insurance table = Body Mass Index = BMI desirable = 19-25 Waist circumference = High risk = males >40” Females >35’ Keeping track of the bare facts Knowing the food, you are eating and how much you are eating will allow you to be in control. Tracking is self-managing and enables you to see progress. Research has suggested that people who keep journals on food intake and fitness activity have better results.

  • "The Ultimate Guide to Maximizing Your Results with Resistance Training"

    How much weight should I lift? How often should I do resistance training? How do I know I am doing it right to achieve my goals? Will adding resistance training help me lose weight? I want to tone my muscles; how much should I lift? Not many people add resistant training to their workout. Instead, we tend to walk, jog or do group exercises. When joining a gym, we tend to socialize and do the hit-or-miss exercise method. We also seek advice from media, friends, or other sources that do not provide personal goal-oriented information. How many reps? 😃Depending on goals, the rep range will change. •To gain size and strength, the 4-6 rep range should be utilized. However, the risk for injury is more prevalent in this rep range, so any joint pain or discomfort should be monitored, and a routine revision should be made to prevent further damage. •The 12-15 rep range allows for strength and size gain while building greater energy stores in the muscle. •The 20-25 rep range allows the body to build mitochondria, improve muscle endurance, and expand stored glycogen to promote fat loss during recovery. For example, if the desired sport-specific muscle conditioning program calls for the performance of sets in the 4-6 rep range, consider some lighter sets in higher rep ranges once in a while for variety and to strengthen bones and joints. Conversely, if the sport-based position calls for a focus in reps in the 20-25 rep, add some 4-6 rep sets from time to time to change the effects on muscle tissue. Suggested Work Rep Ranges by Result •Power: 1 to 3 reps •Muscular Strength: 4 to 6 reps •Strength/Stamina: 12 to 15 reps •Muscular Endurance 20 to 25 reps Beginners should spend considerable time building a muscular endurance or strength/stamina base before moving on to muscular strength or the seldom recommended “power” work rep ranges three-day split routine. Example: Day 1: Chest & Back Day 2: Rest Day 3: Legs & Abs (quads, hamstrings, glutes, calves) Day 4: Rest Day 5: Shoulders & Arms (biceps & triceps) Day 6: Rest Day 7: Rest How much weight? Decide on your reps, and the amount of weight you lift will be what you can lift in perfect form to achieve those reps. For example, if you are doing 10-12 for stamina, pick a weight you can lift ten times but not 11 without losing form. Once you get to 12 reps with that weight, it is time to go up in weight. Larger muscles will need more weight, and exercises closer to the body will have more weight. Example: You can lift more weight with your bicep than your triceps. Also, bicep curl will be heavier than a fly. #workoutplan #myframeofhealth #resistancetraining #musclebuilding #exercise #workoutplan #myframeofhealth #resistancetraining #musclebuilding #exercise

  • Thirty. Hurty. And Healing

    Thirty. Flirty. And Thriving.... I wish. We all know the mantra from 13 going on 30. But what they don't mention is that as your 30th birthday approaches you are actually thinking: "Thirty, Hurty & Crying". Its about this time that it hits you that this is life, you are NEVER going to figure it out, no-one ever has. While no-one seems to have figured out the secret to life, we have found many ways to work on self-care and self-growth so that we may actually enjoy this planet for our existence. The goals of this blog page is to share and be honest about the changes that we go through as we reach the "Dreaded Thirty" and what that means as a Millennial. There is a different schedule we are living on and there is a sort of grief we feel for not having that "set schedule" to our lives as society once expected from us.

  • Sneezed, Peed, Swore...Again

    It has become the joke, I sneeze and everyone looks at me with that questioning stare. Do we need to go back so you can change your pants? When you keep getting parts taken out, I suppose there is room for the bladder to violently spew urine when I sneeze, lift something heavy, think about the distance of a toilet, and sometimes when I laugh. Yes...then I swear. The biggest challenge to aging gracefully is trying to keep positive all the while wondering if there is a noticeable wet spot between your legs. Although at a certain age you also wonder why anyone would be looking between your legs because that is just freaking creepy. Options are available: I found that I really like Knix Underwear Super Absorbent for period, pee, sweat. They are so comfortable and now my favorite because we all know I am going to sneeze at some point in the most inconvenient situation. Pads are also an option, I find it a bit inconvenient since I don't need the protection on a regular basis. I am a surprise pee candidate. Stress Incontinence is different than Urinary Incontinence. Stress incontinence happens when the muscles of your urinary tract are weakened. This can be caused by: Childbirth. Hysterectomy. Prostate surgery. Age. Weight. . Injury There you have it, it is very common. Although I know I am not the only one, if you hear me sneeze and blurt swear words right after just be on your way, I will be fine.

  • Broken by Jenny Lawson

    As I started back into my gym routine, I listened to Broken by Jenney Lawson on Audible. It entertained me and let me laugh and reflect as I got all sweaty on the bike. Autoimmune Diseases and ailments and all the crap that goes along with them, adding on top of this is mental illness or disorders or messed up bullshit we all deal with. Broken is the latest of the books from Jenny Lawson The, Bloggess. Every time I dive into her books I seem to be working out or traveling, as I am better at listening than reading. Reading something would require me to be in one spot and not move at all, which I suck at. Dogs will not go blind staring at the Eclipse? The random conversations and thoughts throughout the book remind me how weird I am as I seem to understand the funny in this book, but it also looks almost normal. If you need a friend If you suffer from anxiety, depression, social anxiety, or other ailments that broadly hinder your life, this book will make you feel that you are not alone. You may feel like you are sometimes when you struggle with a diagnosis or look for understanding and not pity, but unfortunately, there are way too many of us. I feel it in my bones, the rain that has not come.

  • Cooling Towels : A Must for the Gym and Sweaty Workouts

    These towels are a wonderful addition to my workout. I keep them handy in the gym all the time. Keeps me comfortable from workout to shower. Love the simple colors, how light they are plus keeping me cool and less sloppy sweaty in the gym keeps me in a better mood.

  • Handy Bowl Huggers for Eating in Comfort

    Bowl Huggers for Microwave and Hot Food I love these as I usually make meal ahead and I warm it up in the microwave often. A great way to hold hot food. They wash up great also.😋 For the fast meal or curl up in a cozy spot watching your favorite show and eating a warm bowl of soup.

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